Featured 4/20 Products for Your Store

Featured 4/20 Products for Your Store

As 4/20 inches closer and closer, we want to go over some of our favourite products that we think will do well in your stores. You can shop all these products in our “420 Features” tab on our website. There is a wide variety, featuring products like Roast & Toast mugs, dab mats, King Palm Wraps, and many different things in between.
How to Get Customers in the Door on 420

How to Get Customers in the Door on 420

April can be the busiest time of the year for weed stores and headshops all due to 420. As a store owner, you need to take advantage of the most popular stoner holiday of the year. If you don’t know what 420 is, well, you’ll have to become very aware of it to maximize your profits and brand image. 420 started way back in 1971. Five students at San Rafael High School would meet at 4:20pm by the campus statue to smoke weed together. These five students would also say “420” to each other as code for marijuana. Since then, a legendary day was born. April 20th (420) of every year is one of the only days where you might see large groups of stoners smoking weed out in public without any ramifications from local authority. It’s also the only day where all stoners unite and smoke as a celebration. So, how do you capitalize on this sacred day?